Friday, March 30, 2012

Day 9 - Desert Hot Springs California - Oxnard, California

Today we started out by letting the dogs play in the dog park one more time before we left Desert Hot Springs.  They really enjoyed that dog park......

We left Desert Hot Springs around 9 AM and drove for four hours to Oxnard, California which is south of Ventura and west of Thousand Oaks, CA.  Speed limit for vehicles towing trailers is only 55 MPH which is why it took us longer to make the short trip!  It was nice to finally get out of the desert! I would like to say the ride was uneventful, but in reality, it was very stressful for me.  Jim, who was driving,  seemed to take it all in stride.  Eighty-one miles out of Los Angeles, the smog rolled in!  It was horrible and my eyes would not stop watering.  It didn't seem to affect the California drivers!  The traffic was horrible on I-10, Hwy 210, and Hwy 101!  I guess the most amazing thing to me is that there are so many drivers on the California highways with the cost of gas being so expensive in this state!  Well over $4 a gallon! There is no way you can stop on any of these highways safely unless you are actually taking an exit!  And switching lanes ?  I just closed my eyes and prayed! Crazy, crazy, crazy! 

We are spending the night at the Evergreen RV Park in Oxnard, but will move to an RV Park at  Point Magu Naval Air Station in the morning. (One of the benefits of being retired military!) We will stay there two days and make day trips to the lighthouses in the area.  We will move further north on Monday.

We treated ourselves to dinner out this evening, and had dinner at Friday's (TGIFriday's).  I had the best salmon I have ever eaten (bar none, and I eat a lot of salmon!) and Jim had ribs which he said were pretty good as well.  It was a nice change from our standard RV fare, that is for sure! 

We didn't get very many pictures today, the smog was just to dense. However, there were some wildflowers on the side of the road that we thought were pretty, and we did take a few picture of them (as we passed by - again, we couldn't stop.....).  Hopefully we will have more pictures to share tomorrow!

It appears there are quite a few people following our blog, and several have called and stated that they have left comments, but we are not receiving them.  Please make sure you hit the "post" button after you have written your comments, then we should receive them!  Thanks for your support!  We are excited about being able to share this journey with family and friends!

The beginning of the smog........eightyone miles out of LA

You can hardly see the mountains for the smog.......

Wildflowers on Hwy 210 - taken on the fly!

Different from Texas wildflowers, but still beautiful!

I took this picture for my Granddaughter Candace -
she loves the color purple or any variation thereof...

"Speedy" playing the ever gracious host!
 It looks like he has red shoes on, but those are flowers on the bush surrounding the sign!  

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