Thursday, April 5, 2012

Day 15 - Over the mountain and through the woods!

Today we awoke to 30 degree temperatures and frost on the ground!  It was a cold night!  We felt sorry for the people camping in their pop-up campers with no heat!  We were warm and cozy in the Turtle!

We headed to Fort Bragg, California, which is on California Hwy 1 on the coast.  The distance is approximately 33 miles from our campsite.   It took us an hour to get there because we had to go over the mountain, through the Redwood Forest, which winds it way up and down with sharp turns, to the coast.  Mind you, again, there are no gurardrails on this road and it is very narrow.  Truly a test of faith!  I was so happy to get on level ground! The redwoods are majestic and beautiful!  There were several areas where we had to turn on our lights because the forest was so dark due to the tree density! 

We weren't exactly sure where we were going to hunt sea glass, but we stopped at a Denny's for a late breakfast and found out that we were on the very street we needed to be on and simply had to go two blocks, park the truck and take a short hike to the beach. (That won't happen again!)  The dogs enjoyed the beach and got a lot of attention from others on the beach.  It was very cold - about 48 degrees - and very windy.  We climbed down the cliffs and spent about an hour hunting for that "special" piece which we didn't already have.  We did find a small red piece as well as a yellow and amber which we didn't have, and a lot of white, green, turquoise, and brown, much like we find at home. The glass here is much rounder and the patina is much nicer than the glass we have found on our beaches.  After an hour, we were pretty cold and decided we had had enough of a good time already, so we headed back to the truck to warm up and head back to the campground.  Of course that meant we had to go back over the mountain, which we did, and the temperature keep dropping the higher we climbed the mountain.  At one point it was 34 degrees and snowing!  Unbelievable!  And it was a heavy snow, not just a few flakes!  That was scary since we had no chains and no snow tires on the truck! (Who would have guessed we would need them!)

We arrived back at the campground safe and sound, and are now getting ready to prepare supper and settle in for the evening.  Tomorrow we head to Crescent City with one stop on the way to check out a lighthouse we missed the last time we were in the area. 

An interesting day to say the least! 

Redwood Forest - the trees are awesome!

Fort Bragg, CA
This is where we hunted for sea glass

Jim taking care of the girls while I look for sea glass

The cliffs at Fort Bragg

Jim working hard to find the sea glass

Penny taking in the sights and sounds of the ocean

A sampling of our treasures! (The small piece is the red piece!)

On the way back to the campsite on California Hwy 1

In the Redwood Forest on our way back to the campsite!

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